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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Learning from the best

So currently we are sitting here in the 'wait and be patient' chapter of this journey. I keep reminding myself that this waiting period is so easy compared to the next waiting period- when we have a referral and are waiting for the approval to travel. I know when we find out the name and face of our child it will feel like everything is moving in slow motion and we won't be able to get to him or her soon enough.

As I wait I've had a lot of time to think and lately I continue to think about the amazing examples of mothers I have in my life. Because of my work, I am surrounded by and get to partner with mothers on a daily basis. I have the privilege of sharing in some of their parenting joys, being there through some of the struggles, and watching the love they have for their children. Of course I've also learned an extraordinary amount from my own mom too. I have gained so much from these moms; knowing them and how they parent gives me tremendous confidence for my future role.

I've learned from the mom who...
kept her child home because they needed some one-on-one time but also...
left her child at school on the first day because she had confidence in her child
lingered by the window to watch that her child found a friend
allowed her child to play outdoors independently
said "I'm sorry" to her child
drove all the way back to school to meet her child at the goodbye window
watched her child put on the same dance show over and over again
waited ten minutes because her child wanted to put their shoes on independently
carefully carried a mess of glue and paper and beads and paint out the door because it was a treasured artwork
took a car ride to that specific road so her child could ride the "fun hills"
spoke up when her child needed someone in their court
supported other moms when they needed someone in their court
stacked the deck to ensure her child's success when the situation warranted but also...
allowed her child to experience failures when the situation warranted
reminded her child, as often as possible, that she loved them

I'm so looking forward to joining this exemplary group of moms and continuing to learn alongside them, supporting one another.

1 comment:

  1. What amazing wiring Lindsey. It brought tears if pride and joy for you and Nate ❤️


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