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Thursday, January 14, 2016

It always takes longer than you think...

After going through some ups and downs, set back and steps forward over the past three years, one would think that I would have learned to expect the delays. Especially because I've always lived with a "hope for the best, expect the worst" attitude. (Some, like my husband, would call that being a pessimist. I prefer 'realist'.) But for some reason in regards to the adoption I continue to think overly optimistic, hoping and believing that perhaps things will continue on schedule or even move faster than anticipated. And then it's so disappointing when it inevitably takes longer than you think. And it always takes longer than you think.

We really believed we would be going into the new year with our pre-approval/child contract from Taiwan. Unfortunately we are still waiting on that and can only guess what the hold up is. While I can't get enough of looking at our little guy's pictures and thinking about him, it always is hard to do so because I wonder about what he is doing today, how he is growing and how long will it be before we get to be together. It's difficult because I do believe and trust in God's timing, but struggle with the seemingly pointlessness of a child and his parents being so far apart.

So moving forward my plan is to stay busy, trying to fill each day with worthwhile moments; relishing in time outside with the preschoolers, creating things, talking to friends, playing games, spending time with Nate, walking the dog. And to keep this challenging phase in perspective. "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18

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