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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Here we go!

Welcome and thanks for taking the time to visit our blog. We're new to the blog-world, so we may stumble our way through this a bit. Check out our 'about' page to learn a little bit about us.

We've created this blog to have a place to update information and share stories throughout the adoption process. That's right, we're adopting! Having grown up with a sister who is adopted, it has always been a dream of mine to adopt. As Nate and I became involved in adoption-supportive communities, we decided it was something we would do...someday. After being married for four years and feeling fairly confident in our ability to parent, the dream of adoption began to grow stronger in our hearts until we decided to take a leap. We researched, read books, talked to adoptive families, and looked into different agencies. We now know that was just the very beginning!

Where we are at right now is in the middle of what I guess they call the 'paperwork pregnancy' (minus the pickles and ice cream cravings). We are writing our entire life stories, laying out every aspect of our finances, being checked for mental and physical wellness, FBI fingerprinted, attending parenting classes and being asked some very tough questions. But really, it shouldn't be any other way... parenting is not an easy lifestyle change and even more complicated when building a family through international adoption. Our hope is that in a few years (or four, or five, or six...) from now we will be welcoming home our child from Colombia, God willing.

As we progress in this potentially very long process, we will keep everyone updated through this blog. Thanks for reading the first page to our story, we're hoping it has a wonderful ending.


  1. Leave it to GRANDMA to be the first to comment and there is so much I want to say about your future adoption, about your future plans but, for now.....all I need to say is:

    <3 Love you!

  2. We couldn't be happier or more excited for you two (and of course your wonderful grandparents-to-be up the road from us!)We will be following your progress with prayer and the confidence that God will bless you in your efforts. Thank You, Lindsey and Nate, for sharing your journey with us. :D
    Love, Erika

  3. So very exciting! I can't wait to read about your journey!

  4. Congratulations!! I will enjoy reading about your journey. :)
    In case you are wondering, I signed in from a blog from years ago that I never did anything with, sorry for confusion.

  5. so very happy and excited for you guys. That is going to be a lucky kid. : ) -- steph


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