Happy Mother's Day!
I know that there are many different types of moms and today I think about all of the motherly examples I have in my life that continue to teach me so much, beginning of course with my own mom. I see them advocate for their children, protect and nurture them, encourage and support each other, always putting their children's needs above their own. I'm sure I could never do it on my own and so it's reassuring to look at this amazing team of moms that I will be joining. Certainly you can never be fully prepared for the experience of being a mom but today I am feeling more ready than ever!
Still aware and anticipating the unknown journey ahead of us, Nate and I find ourselves talking more and more about when our little one is home. While we don't yet have a referral (a potential match from the agency and nursery) we feel like it's for the first time within reach. Anytime after November we could get the information about our baby! Once receiving the referral, the court process in Taiwan could take anywhere from 4 to 8 months. After that is finished, we make plans to travel.
The next step for us is updating our home study so that it can again be finalized and a dossier prepared to be sent to Taiwan. The paperwork is actually very comforting because it gives us a small sense of control in the situation! It's amazing how quickly we can make doctor appointments, get re-fingerprinted and fill out paperwork when it's for the adoption! We are hoping to have the home study completed by the end of June.
It's beginning to feel very real. Now that some of the challenges of this past year are behind us we are able to see how we are being prepared to be parents. I'm sure there are more challenges ahead, but to be able to look back and see how we have been strengthened in the past helps us to have trust in the future. As much as I would love to fast forward through the next several months, they will be formative and necessary in the journey. So for now we will continue to enjoy this time of anticipation, using it to gather as much wisdom and experience as much growth as we can! And maybe this time next year we will be celebrating Mother's Day in a whole new way :-)
Until next time,
Lindsey + Nate